Bipartisan Ratings For Ohio State Lawmakers

RationalOhio has produced a non-partisan rating of how often each Ohio state legislator works across party lines, in order to promote a bipartisan approach to governing. Inspired by the Congressional Bipartisan Index from The Lugar Center and McCourt School of Public Policy at Georgetown University.
Page Contents
Former Indiana Senator Richard Lugar described it best:
“We sought to develop an an objective measure of how well members of opposite parties work with one another” and of “their efforts to broaden the appeal of their sponsored legislation, to entertain a wider range of ideas, and to prioritize governance over posturing.”
“The Bipartisan Index measures the frequency with which a Member co-sponsors a bill introduced by the opposite party and the frequency with which a Member’s own bills attract co-sponsors from the opposite party.”
“A consistently low score on this index will be a very strong indication that a legislator is viewing his or her duties through a partisan lens. Conversely, a consistently high score is a strong indication that a legislator is prioritizing problem solving and open to working with the other party when possible. … We regard any score above zero as a good score.”
“Taking a position is not the same thing as governing. … To be successful, the parties must work together at the beginning of the legislative process. … We encourage members of Congress to more frequently open themselves to the possibility that colleagues from the opposite party may have good ideas that are deserving of consideration.”
A score above 1.0 is outstanding, above 0.5 is very good, below -0.5 is poor, and below -1.0 is very poor. |
134th General Assembly First Year Scores (2021)
State Senate (2021)
Majority | Score | Minority | Score | |||
Kunze | Stephanie | 1.56975 | Sykes | Vernon | 1.61229 | |
Schuring | Kirk | 0.92448 | Antonio | Nickie | 1.06889 | |
Hottinger | Jay | 0.70671 | Craig | Hearcel | 0.75755 | |
Brenner | Andrew | 0.49965 | Fedor | Teresa | 0.62659 | |
Rulli | Michael | 0.46822 | Yuko | Kenny | 0.50590 | |
Manning | Nathan | 0.42968 | Williams | Sandra | 0.19051 | |
Gavarone | Theresa | 0.35791 | Thomas | Cecil | 0.05876 | |
Huffman | Stephen | 0.34290 | Maharath | Tina | -0.64195 | |
Blessing | Louis | 0.25982 | ||||
Schaffer | Tim | 0.24082 | ||||
Dolan | Matt | 0.19319 | ||||
Romanchuk | Mark | 0.07177 | ||||
O’Brien | Sandra | 0.03354 | ||||
Reineke | Bill | -0.07862 | ||||
Roegner | Kristina | -0.07996 | ||||
Wilson | Steve | -0.19045 | ||||
Cirino | Jerry | -0.19890 | ||||
Hackett | Bob | -0.27070 | ||||
Lang | George | -0.30396 | ||||
McColley | Rob | -0.62151 | ||||
Hoagland | Frank | -0.73245 | ||||
Johnson | Terry | -0.74642 | ||||
Peterson | Bob | -0.80416 | ||||
Antani | Niraj | -0.85941 | ||||
Senate President Matt Huffman (R) did not introduce any qualified bills in 2021 and was excluded.
State House (2021)
Majority | Score | Minority | Score | |||
Oelslager | Scott | 1.18909 | Troy | Daniel | 0.54672 | |
Manning | Gayle | 1.17622 | Jarrells | Dontavius | 0.41522 | |
Hillyer | Brett | 1.15854 | West | Thomas | 0.19482 | |
Lanese | Laura | 1.01510 | Russo | Allison | 0.12871 | |
White | Andrea | 0.99354 | O’Brien | Michael | 0.08988 | |
Callender | Jamie | 0.79061 | Sheehy | Michael | -0.15108 | |
Baldridge | Brian | 0.76133 | Liston | Beth | -0.18141 | |
Pavliga | Gail | 0.60253 | Sobecki | Lisa | -0.22496 | |
Hoops | James | 0.57186 | Galonski | Tavia | -0.26506 | |
Ghanbari | Haraz | 0.56845 | Leland | David | -0.29123 | |
Ray | Sharon | 0.49436 | Miller | Joseph | -0.43913 | |
Carfagna | Rick | 0.43699 | Lightbody | Mary | -0.44936 | |
Lipps | Scott | 0.41727 | Brown | Richard | -0.52401 | |
Stein | Dick | 0.40906 | Ingram | Catherine | -0.57829 | |
Plummer | Phil | 0.34818 | Crawley | Erica | -0.62538 | |
Kick | Darrell | 0.33816 | Crossman | Jeffrey | -0.64124 | |
Manchester | Susan | 0.20773 | Sweeney | Bride Rose | -0.68432 | |
Ferguson | Ron | 0.14069 | Robinson | Phillip | -0.75694 | |
Fraizer | Mark | 0.13758 | Miranda | Jessica | -0.76963 | |
Lampton | Brian | 0.13092 | Miller | Adam | -0.78945 | |
Schmidt | Jean | 0.08915 | Brent | Juanita | -0.79408 | |
Stewart | Brian | 0.08520 | Smith | Kent | -0.83904 | |
Creech | Rodney | 0.05926 | Kelly | Brigid | -0.92863 | |
Ginter | Timothy | 0.02183 | Boyd | Janine | -1.01232 | |
Swearingen Jr. | Douglas | -0.06492 | Hicks-Hudson | Paula | -1.04276 | |
Bird | Adam | -0.13918 | Boggs | Kristin | -1.12291 | |
Jones | Don | -0.16358 | Upchurch | Terrence | -1.19822 | |
Carruthers | Sara | -0.18367 | Weinstein | Casey | -1.23536 | |
Roemer | Bill | -0.18398 | Blackshear Jr. | Willis | -1.32410 | |
Abrams | Cindy | -0.19922 | Smith | Monique | -1.37668 | |
Koehler | Kyle | -0.20474 | Lepore-Hagan | Michele | -1.45376 | |
Young | Bob | -0.20856 | Skindell | Michael | -1.66518 | |
LaRe | Jeffrey | -0.25303 | Howse | Stephanie | -1.75603 | |
Cross | Jon | -0.26918 | ||||
Cutrona | Alessandro | -0.35695 | ||||
Stephens | Jason | -0.49870 | ||||
Young | Tom | -0.55989 | ||||
Miller | Kevin | -0.61989 | ||||
Hall | Thomas | -0.65285 | ||||
Riedel | Craig | -0.66204 | ||||
Grendell | Diane | -0.66262 | ||||
Holmes | Adam | -0.66407 | ||||
Click | Gary | -0.67920 | ||||
Gross | Jennifer | -0.72764 | ||||
Wilkin | Shane | -0.73702 | ||||
McClain | Riordan | -0.74600 | ||||
Seitz | Bill | -0.79720 | ||||
Brinkman | Thomas | -0.84922 | ||||
Loychik | Mike | -0.92599 | ||||
Wiggam | Scott | -0.94693 | ||||
Patton | Thomas | -1.02427 | ||||
John | Marilyn | -1.03312 | ||||
Fowler-Arthur | Sarah | -1.15249 | ||||
Richardson | Tracy | -1.21826 | ||||
Merrin | Derek | -1.22543 | ||||
Dean | Bill | -1.27828 | ||||
Stoltzfus | Reggie | -1.33666 | ||||
Edwards | Jay | -1.42978 | ||||
Jordan | Kris | -1.52672 | ||||
Powell | Jena | -1.58654 | ||||
Paul Zeltwanger (R), Mark Johnson (R), Nino Vitale (R) and Sedrick Denson (D) were excluded because they did not introduce any qualifying bills in 2021.
Representatives who served fewer than 6 months are excluded: Larry Householder (R) and Latyna Humphrey (D).
Speaker Robert Cupp (R) and Minority Leader Emilia Strong Sykes (D) did not introduce any qualified bills and were excluded.
133rd General Assembly Scores (2019-2020)
State Senate (2019-2020)
Majority | Score | Minority | Score | |||
Kunze | Stephanie | 3.13001 | O’Brien | Sean | 2.10831 | |
Lehner | Peggy | 2.34230 | Fedor | Teresa | 1.18220 | |
Rulli | Michael | 1.56427 | Antonio | Nickie | 1.05939 | |
Dolan | Matt | 1.08429 | Sykes | Vernon | 1.03729 | |
Eklund | John | 0.97588 | Craig | Hearcel | 0.85536 | |
Schuring | Kirk | 0.93663 | Yuko | Kenny | 0.77430 | |
Gavarone | Theresa | 0.90915 | Thomas | Cecil | 0.74098 | |
Hottinger | Jay | 0.84372 | Williams | Sandra | 0.63686 | |
Manning | Nathan | 0.81346 | Maharath | Tina | 0.25993 | |
Brenner | Andrew | 0.69973 | ||||
Obhof | Larry | 0.54369 | ||||
Blessing | Louis | 0.17665 | ||||
Wilson | Steve | 0.05004 | ||||
Peterson | Bob | -0.01197 | ||||
Huffman | Stephen | -0.03067 | ||||
Hackett | Bob | -0.06365 | ||||
Huffman | Matt | -0.26253 | ||||
Roegner | Kristina | -0.28626 | ||||
Burke | Dave | -0.29962 | ||||
McColley | Rob | -0.34382 | ||||
Schaffer | Tim | -0.37202 | ||||
Coley | Bill | -0.47553 | ||||
Hoagland | Frank | -0.66753 | ||||
Johnson | Terry | -1.07840 | ||||
Senators who served fewer than 10 months are excluded: Louis Terhar (R), Joe Uecker (R) and Brian Hill (R).
State House (2019-2020)
Majority | Score | Minority | Score | |||
Lipps | Scott | 1.53099 | Rogers | John | 0.89094 | |
Cupp | Robert | 1.49036 | Clites | Randi | 0.26187 | |
Hambley | Stephen | 1.46086 | Patterson | John | 0.19797 | |
Carfagna | Rick | 1.32482 | West | Thomas | 0.07827 | |
Hoops | James | 1.29978 | O’Brien | Michael | 0.04548 | |
Holmes | Adam | 1.13737 | Sheehy | Michael | -0.09995 | |
Manning | Gayle | 1.08016 | Brown | Richard | -0.11889 | |
Oelslager | Scott | 1.05591 | Cera | Jack | -0.27495 | |
Lanese | Laura | 0.85362 | Crossman | Jeffrey | -0.29836 | |
Greenspan | Dave | 0.84668 | Liston | Beth | -0.35949 | |
Patton | Thomas | 0.82345 | Ingram | Catherine | -0.37491 | |
Scherer | Gary | 0.76350 | Leland | David | -0.37752 | |
Manchester | Susan | 0.75354 | Sykes | Emilia | -0.39696 | |
Green | Doug | 0.74763 | Russo | Allison | -0.44048 | |
Hillyer | Brett | 0.67653 | Kent | Bernadine | -0.48721 | |
Manning | Don | 0.61803 | Miranda | Jessica | -0.55756 | |
Ginter | Timothy | 0.60623 | Kelly | Brigid | -0.71158 | |
Jones | Don | 0.52378 | Galonski | Tavia | -0.72288 | |
Perales | Rick | 0.42228 | Miller | Joe | -0.74452 | |
Wilkin | Shane | 0.36021 | Lepore-Hagan | Michele | -0.80284 | |
Fraizer | Mark | 0.33142 | Denson | Sedrick | -0.83747 | |
Ghanbari | Haraz | 0.28996 | Sweeney | Bride Rose | -0.84515 | |
Koehler | Kyle | 0.25527 | Boyd | Janine | -0.92012 | |
Ryan | Scott | 0.25109 | Lightbody | Mary | -0.92158 | |
Carruthers | Sara | 0.22905 | Brent | Juanita | -0.93021 | |
Plummer | Phil | 0.17835 | Sobecki | Lisa | -0.94876 | |
Cross | Jon | 0.16828 | Strahorn | Fred | -0.95926 | |
Roemer | Bill | 0.14601 | Hicks-Hudson | Paula | -0.97306 | |
Baldridge | Brian | 0.13246 | Robinson | Phil | -0.98301 | |
Richardson | Tracy | 0.12520 | Crawley | Erica | -0.98552 | |
Becker | John | 0.08792 | Weinstein | Casey | -0.98735 | |
Callender | Jamie | 0.05800 | Boggs | Kristin | -1.02081 | |
Kick | Darrell | 0.01407 | Smith | Kent | -1.06608 | |
Stoltzfus | Reggie | 0.01306 | Miller | Adam | -1.07046 | |
LaRe | Jeffrey | -0.07197 | Skindell | Michael | -1.15359 | |
Swearingen Jr. | Douglas | -0.11001 | Blair | Gil | -1.16226 | |
Romanchuk | Mark | -0.13942 | Upchurch | Terrence | -1.16234 | |
Stephens | Jason | -0.18133 | Howse | Stephanie | -1.17339 | |
Stein | Dick | -0.21346 | ||||
Lang | George | -0.27090 | ||||
Grendell | Diane | -0.30015 | ||||
Abrams | Cindy | -0.36833 | ||||
Reineke | Bill | -0.38735 | ||||
Riedel | Craig | -0.42076 | ||||
Vitale | Nino | -0.42544 | ||||
Antani | Niraj | -0.51518 | ||||
Wiggam | Scott | -0.53766 | ||||
Smith | Jeffery Todd | -0.61343 | ||||
McClain | Riordan | -0.72650 | ||||
Brinkman | Tom | -0.74426 | ||||
Powell | Jena | -0.74975 | ||||
Keller | Candice | -0.90310 | ||||
Merrin | Derek | -1.17437 | ||||
Dean | Bill | -1.39358 | ||||
Hood | Ron | -1.69542 | ||||
Jordan | Kris | -1.70040 | ||||
Representatives who served fewer than 10 months are excluded: Glenn Holmes (D), Alessandro Cutrona (R), Tim Schaffer (R), Louis Blessing (R), Steven Arndt (R), Ryan Smith (R), Sarah LaTourette (R)
Paul Zeltwanger (R), Anthony DeVitis (R), William Seitz (R), Jim Butler (R), and Jay Edwards (R) were excluded because they did not introduce any qualifying bills in 2019-2020.
132nd General Assembly Scores (2017-2018)
State Senate (2017-2018)
Majority | Score | Minority | Score | |||
Lehner | Peggy | 1.07553 | Sykes | Vernon | 0.84850 | |
Manning | Gayle | 0.27055 | Schiavoni | Joe | 0.36782 | |
Eklund | John | 0.27042 | O’Brien | Sean | 0.25137 | |
Dolan | Matt | 0.24272 | Williams | Sandra | 0.06238 | |
LaRose | Frank | 0.18798 | Yuko | Kenny | 0.01992 | |
Terhar | Louis | 0.18079 | Brown | Edna | -0.26782 | |
Gardner | Randy | -0.09853 | Thomas | Cecil | -0.28629 | |
Hoagland | Frank | -0.15249 | Tavares | Charleta | -0.52973 | |
Burke | Dave | -0.16773 | Skindell | Michael J. | -0.55183 | |
Oelslager | Scott | -0.19910 | ||||
McColley | Rob | -0.21113 | ||||
Obhof | Larry | -0.29028 | ||||
Beagle | Bill | -0.29505 | ||||
Hottinger | Jay | -0.42913 | ||||
Kunze | Stephanie | -0.43135 | ||||
Bacon | Kevin | -0.47913 | ||||
Coley | Bill | -0.51203 | ||||
Hackett | Bob | -0.52581 | ||||
Wilson | Steve | -0.54391 | ||||
Uecker | Joe | -0.76841 | ||||
Huffman | Matt | -0.83282 | ||||
Jordan | Kris | -0.85217 | ||||
Peterson | Bob | -0.92090 | ||||
Senators who served fewer than 10 months are excluded: Cliff Hite (R)
Troy Balderson (R) was excluded because he did not introduce any qualifying bills in 2017-2018.
State House (2017-2018)
Majority | Score | Minority | Score | |||
Hughes | Jim | 1.36219 | Rogers | John | 1.43725 | |
Perales | Rick | 0.97202 | Craig | Hearcel | 1.26952 | |
Riedel | Craig | 0.83209 | Patterson | John | 1.20560 | |
Scherer | Gary | 0.82487 | Patmon | Bill | 1.09747 | |
LaTourette | Sarah | 0.67795 | Barnes Jr. | John E. | 1.09357 | |
Anielski | Marlene | 0.64698 | Sweeney | Martin | 0.93414 | |
Hambley | Stephen | 0.63341 | Holmes | Glenn | 0.70486 | |
Rezabek | Jeff | 0.61735 | Brown | Richard | 0.68820 | |
Gavarone | Theresa | 0.60440 | Miller | Adam | 0.68426 | |
Cupp | Robert | 0.46873 | Boyd | Janine | 0.59130 | |
Seitz | William | 0.45103 | Boccieri | John | 0.55127 | |
Greenspan | Dave | 0.40196 | West | Thomas | 0.36218 | |
Arndt | Steven | 0.36162 | Lepore-Hagan | Michele | 0.30431 | |
Johnson | Terry | 0.34158 | Ingram | Catherine | 0.27333 | |
Carfagna | Rick | 0.31488 | Galonski | Tavia | 0.19567 | |
Green | Doug | 0.30026 | Kent | Bernadine | 0.14808 | |
Hill | Brian | 0.28969 | Sheehy | Michael | 0.08369 | |
Koehler | Kyle | 0.23743 | Leland | David | 0.07568 | |
Sprague | Robert | 0.22567 | Fedor | Teresa | 0.02290 | |
Ginter | Timothy | 0.21232 | Strahorn | Fred | 0.02028 | |
Pelanda | Dorothy Liggett | 0.15003 | Sykes | Emilia | -0.05099 | |
Ryan | Scott | 0.14580 | Antonio | Nickie | -0.13767 | |
McClain | Riordan | 0.14189 | Boggs | Kristin | -0.17152 | |
Stein | Dick | 0.12076 | O’Brien | Michael | -0.28396 | |
McColley | Robert | 0.11499 | Reece | Alicia | -0.33997 | |
DeVitis | Anthony | 0.01102 | Ramos | Dan | -0.36611 | |
Brenner | Andrew | 0.00401 | Cera | Jack | -0.39876 | |
Lanese | Laura | 0.00348 | Clyde | Kathleen | -0.51962 | |
Roegner | Kristina | -0.03769 | Smith | Kent | -0.56980 | |
Smith | Ryan | -0.04737 | Kelly | Brigid | -0.72161 | |
Schuring | Kirk | -0.05735 | Howse | Stephanie | -1.01268 | |
Duffey | Mike | -0.05951 | ||||
Lipps | Scott | -0.07609 | ||||
Edwards | Jay | -0.07683 | ||||
Butler | Jim | -0.20016 | ||||
Thompson | Andy | -0.21325 | ||||
Householder | Larry | -0.21414 | ||||
Hagan | Christina | -0.25640 | ||||
Reineke | Bill | -0.25750 | ||||
Dever | Jonathan | -0.26669 | ||||
Patton | Thomas | -0.27289 | ||||
Young | Ron | -0.28995 | ||||
Huffman | Stephen | -0.30982 | ||||
Schaffer | Tim | -0.31480 | ||||
Blessing | Louis | -0.33554 | ||||
Henne | Michael | -0.37475 | ||||
Romanchuk | Mark | -0.38539 | ||||
Retherford | Wes | -0.39730 | ||||
Gonzales | Anne | -0.55403 | ||||
Wiggam | Scott | -0.60350 | ||||
Manning | Nathan | -0.63422 | ||||
Antani | Niraj | -0.64054 | ||||
Becker | John | -0.65553 | ||||
Faber | Keith | -0.71347 | ||||
Hoops | James | -0.77433 | ||||
Hood | Ron | -0.80384 | ||||
Brinkman | Tom | -0.81160 | ||||
Keller | Candice | -0.83469 | ||||
Lang | George | -0.91254 | ||||
Goodman | Wesley | -0.94324 | ||||
Merrin | Derek | -1.01720 | ||||
Vitale | Nino | -1.21168 | ||||
Representatives who served fewer than 10 months are excluded: Jeffrey Todd Smith (R), Margaret Conditt (R), Shane Wilkin (R), Bride Rose Sweeney (D), Greta Johnson (D), Heather Bishoff (D)
Paul Zeltwanger (R), Marilyn Slaby (R), Bill Dean (R), Al Landis (R), Darrell Kick (R), Michael Ashford (D) and Nicholas J. Celebrezze (D) were excluded because they did not introduce any qualifying bills in 2017-2018.
Speaker Cliff Rosenberger (R) did not introduce any qualified bills and was excluded.
131st General Assembly Scores (2015-2016)
State Senate (2015-2016)
Majority | Score | Minority | Score | |||
Seitz | Bill | 1.06819 | Schiavoni | Joe | 0.70588 | |
Hughes | Jim | 0.67341 | Tavares | Charleta | 0.55550 | |
Jones | Shannon | 0.55415 | Brown | Edna | 0.33885 | |
Lehner | Peggy | 0.42712 | Cafaro | Capri | 0.19667 | |
LaRose | Frank | 0.40947 | Sawyer | Tom | 0.19280 | |
Obhof | Larry | 0.38809 | Thomas | Cecil | 0.19269 | |
Manning | Gayle | 0.17119 | Gentile | Lou | -0.10441 | |
Hite | Cliff | 0.15766 | Skindell | Michael J. | -0.19509 | |
Eklund | John | 0.11006 | Yuko | Kenny | -0.20136 | |
Gardner | Randy | 0.02923 | Williams | Sandra | -0.42114 | |
Oelslager | Scott | -0.15973 | ||||
Beagle | Bill | -0.23997 | ||||
Coley | Bill | -0.47626 | ||||
Patton | Tom | -0.59007 | ||||
Bacon | Kevin | -0.62322 | ||||
Faber | Keith | -0.69088 | ||||
Hottinger | Jay | -0.72919 | ||||
Burke | Dave | -0.74758 | ||||
Balderson | Troy | -0.76594 | ||||
Uecker | Joe | -0.80150 | ||||
Peterson | Bob | -1.02788 | ||||
Jordan | Kris | -1.07434 | ||||
Christ Widener (R) and Bob Hackett (R) were excluded because they did not introduce any qualifying bills in 2015-2016.
State House (2015-2016)
Majority | Score | Minority | Score | |||
Perales | Rick | 0.82288 | Sweeney | Martin | 1.40802 | |
Manning | Nathan | 0.50910 | Craig | Hearcel | 1.16018 | |
Sprague | Robert | 0.40778 | Barnes Jr. | John E. | 1.11164 | |
Roegner | Kristina | 0.37796 | Patmon | Bill | 1.06658 | |
Brown | Tim | 0.36911 | Stinziano | Michael | 0.56950 | |
Pelanda | Dorothy Liggett | 0.32215 | Patterson | John | 0.56504 | |
Grossman | Cheryl | 0.30319 | Bishoff | Heather | 0.50775 | |
Buchy | Jim | 0.27066 | Driehaus | Denise | 0.50729 | |
Derickson | Timothy | 0.24346 | Rogers | John | 0.40659 | |
Baker | Nan | 0.15820 | Leland | David | 0.08477 | |
Ruhl | Margaret | 0.09693 | Fedor | Teresa | 0.04863 | |
Blessing | Louis | 0.06991 | O’Brien | Sean | 0.03412 | |
Johnson | Terry | 0.04278 | Sheehy | Michael | 0.00378 | |
DeVitis | Anthony | 0.03364 | Sykes | Emilia | -0.04613 | |
Dovilla | Mike | 0.02738 | Antonio | Nickie | -0.08644 | |
Ginter | Timothy | 0.02665 | Kuhns | Christie Bryant | -0.12340 | |
Terhar | Louis | -0.02117 | Ramos | Dan | -0.13572 | |
Duffey | Mike | -0.03147 | Cera | Jack | -0.19964 | |
Dever | Jonathan | -0.03951 | Boccieri | John | -0.22495 | |
Anielski | Marlene | -0.06121 | Boyd | Janine | -0.32733 | |
Hagan | Christina | -0.07015 | Celebrezze | Nicholas J. | -0.33970 | |
Brenner | Andrew | -0.07823 | Boyce | Kevin | -0.41619 | |
Hackett | Bob | -0.11483 | Smith | Kent | -0.47603 | |
Huffman | Stephen | -0.12675 | Strahorn | Fred | -0.55145 | |
Hambley | Stephen D. | -0.16095 | Phillips | Debbie | -0.61506 | |
Scherer | Gary | -0.17918 | Johnson | Greta | -0.65234 | |
Green | Doug | -0.22012 | Ashford | Michael | -0.83749 | |
McClain | Jeffrey | -0.22721 | Reece | Alicia | -0.84696 | |
LaTourette | Sarah | -0.26093 | Lepore-Hagan | Michele | -0.89657 | |
Hall | David | -0.26910 | Clyde | Kathleen | -1.11168 | |
Slaby | Marilyn | -0.27486 | Howse | Stephanie | -1.12919 | |
Boose | Terry | -0.30091 | Curtin | Michael | -1.35739 | |
Rezabek | Jeff | -0.34152 | ||||
Antani | Niraj | -0.35852 | ||||
Schuring | Kirk | -0.37125 | ||||
Gonzales | Anne | -0.42135 | ||||
Henne | Michael | -0.44547 | ||||
Schaffer | Tim | -0.47157 | ||||
Kunze | Stephanie | -0.48980 | ||||
Smith | Ryan | -0.54153 | ||||
Young | Ron | -0.56599 | ||||
Maag | Ron | -0.65059 | ||||
McColley | Robert | -0.68588 | ||||
Ryan | Scott | -0.75595 | ||||
Cupp | Robert | -0.76541 | ||||
Amstutz | Ron | -0.76993 | ||||
Retherford | Wes | -0.78659 | ||||
Hill | Brian | -0.84684 | ||||
Sears | Barbara | -0.88511 | ||||
Brinkman | Tom | -0.94901 | ||||
Arndt | Steven | -0.98705 | ||||
Koehler | Kyle | -1.01224 | ||||
Thompson | Andy | -1.01360 | ||||
Burkley | Tony | -1.05624 | ||||
Hayes | Bill | -1.08217 | ||||
Vitale | Nino | -1.14766 | ||||
Butler | Jim | -1.21826 | ||||
Becker | John | -1.30361 | ||||
Conditt | Margaret | -1.30809 | ||||
Hood | Ron | -1.40362 | ||||
Landis | Al | -1.54840 | ||||
Zeltwanger | Paul | -1.71102 | ||||
Representatives who served fewer than 10 months are excluded: Ronald V. Gerberry (D), Wesley Goodman (R), Theresa Gavarone (R), Derek Merrin (R), Bill Dean (R), Steven Kraus (R)
Stephen Slesnick (D), Michael O’Brien (D), Kristin Boggs (D), Mark Romanchuk (R) and Bill Reineke (R) were excluded because they did not introduce any qualifying bills in 2015-2016.
Speaker Cliff Rosenberger (R) did not introduce any qualified bills and was excluded.
130th General Assembly Scores (2013-2014)
State Senate (2013-2014)
Majority | Score | Minority | Score | |||
Lehner | Peggy | 1.49017 | Kearney | Eric | 0.54818 | |
LaRose | Frank | 1.45732 | Brown | Edna | 0.41032 | |
Manning | Gayle | 1.22755 | Sawyer | Tom | 0.40202 | |
Seitz | Bill | 1.21934 | Schiavoni | Joe | 0.09893 | |
Obhof | Larry | 1.07450 | Cafaro | Capri | -0.03149 | |
Oelslager | Scott | 0.99692 | Skindell | Michael J. | -0.24525 | |
Jones | Shannon | 0.91948 | Tavares | Charleta | -0.25834 | |
Bacon | Kevin | 0.84693 | Turner | Nina | -0.57251 | |
Beagle | Bill | 0.81071 | Gentile | Lou | -0.71323 | |
Burke | David | 0.63717 | Smith | Shirley | -0.95190 | |
Hite | Cliff | 0.62181 | ||||
Gardner | Randy | 0.60635 | ||||
Eklund | John | 0.46181 | ||||
Hughes | Jim | 0.43554 | ||||
Patton | Tom | 0.29337 | ||||
Balderson | Troy | 0.28649 | ||||
Coley | Bill | 0.09580 | ||||
Uecker | Joe | -0.17026 | ||||
Peterson | Bob | -0.19345 | ||||
Widener | Chris | -0.30149 | ||||
Schaffer | Tim | -0.35094 | ||||
Faber | Keith | -0.66751 | ||||
Jordan | Kris | -1.42473 | ||||
State House (2013-2014)
Majority | Score | Minority | Score | |||
Baker | Nan | 0.92933 | Stinziano | Michael | 1.10323 | |
Dovilla | Mike | 0.92126 | O’Brien | Sean | 0.99132 | |
Duffey | Mike | 0.84113 | Patmon | Bill | 0.78865 | |
Hottinger | Jay | 0.73982 | Bishoff | Heather | 0.67752 | |
Pelanda | Dorothy Liggett | 0.70668 | Milkovich | Zack | 0.59236 | |
Stebelton | Gerald | 0.65990 | Sykes | Vernon | 0.50444 | |
Henne | Michael | 0.63146 | Slesnick | Stephen | 0.42492 | |
Damschroder | Rex | 0.62462 | Barnes Jr. | John E. | 0.33441 | |
Perales | Rick | 0.50105 | Antonio | Nickie | 0.29409 | |
McGregor | Ross | 0.46065 | Winburn | Roland | 0.25968 | |
Grossman | Cheryl | 0.42267 | Rogers | John | 0.19826 | |
Hill | Brian | 0.37875 | Letson | Tom | 0.19684 | |
Schuring | Kirk | 0.34344 | Gerberry | Ron | 0.17358 | |
Batchelder | William G. | 0.34029 | Barborak | Nick | 0.16406 | |
Blessing | Louis | 0.34008 | Celebrezze | Nicholas J. | 0.04626 | |
Rosenberger | Cliff | 0.33360 | Budish | Armond | 0.03860 | |
Kunze | Stephanie | 0.30921 | Carney | John Patrick | -0.05331 | |
Slaby | Marilyn | 0.29278 | Fedor | Teresa | -0.06641 | |
Brown | Tim | 0.23717 | Pillich | Connie | -0.17987 | |
McClain | Jeffrey | 0.21999 | Heard | Tracy Maxwell | -0.21075 | |
Johnson | Terry | 0.21269 | Phillips | Debbie | -0.27523 | |
Derickson | Timothy | 0.20536 | Strahorn | Fred | -0.29643 | |
Ruhl | Margaret | 0.18690 | Driehaus | Denise | -0.31548 | |
Terhar | Louis | 0.16267 | Ramos | Dan | -0.45127 | |
Stautberg | Peter | 0.15884 | Patterson | John | -0.58686 | |
Brenner | Andrew | 0.15434 | Sheehy | Michael | -0.66694 | |
Hagan | Christina | 0.14442 | Cera | Jack | -0.71990 | |
Hackett | Bob | 0.13268 | Williams | Sandra | -0.82762 | |
Smith | Ryan | 0.11605 | Lundy | Matt | -0.88635 | |
DeVitis | Anthony | 0.04455 | Clyde | Kathleen | -0.94900 | |
Gonzales | Anne | 0.03855 | Reece | Alicia | -0.98945 | |
Sprague | Robert | -0.00968 | Foley | Michael | -1.42914 | |
Wachtmann | Lynn | -0.02153 | Redfern | Chris | -1.57833 | |
Butler | Jim | -0.04004 | Hagan | Robert | -1.63158 | |
Adams | Richard | -0.05616 | ||||
Beck | Peter | -0.11113 | ||||
Green | Doug | -0.15995 | ||||
Scherer | Gary | -0.19997 | ||||
Sears | Barbara | -0.20183 | ||||
Anielski | Marlene | -0.20375 | ||||
Romanchuk | Mark | -0.21240 | ||||
Roegner | Kristina | -0.22104 | ||||
Buchy | Jim | -0.23745 | ||||
Maag | Ron | -0.29587 | ||||
Amstutz | Ron | -0.33792 | ||||
Boose | Terry | -0.36810 | ||||
Young | Ron | -0.42571 | ||||
Burkley | Tony | -0.46096 | ||||
Hayes | Bill | -0.47993 | ||||
Huffman | Matt | -0.48623 | ||||
Blair | Terry | -0.49977 | ||||
Hall | Dave | -0.55228 | ||||
Hood | Ron | -0.55757 | ||||
Lynch | Matt | -0.61098 | ||||
Retherford | Wes | -0.66312 | ||||
Thompson | Andy | -0.73389 | ||||
Becker | John | -0.74919 | ||||
Conditt | Margaret | -1.14092 | ||||
Adams | John | -1.59057 | ||||
Representatives who served fewer than 10 months are excluded: Matt Szollosi (D)
Michael Curtin (D), Michael Ashford (D), Barbara Boyd (D), Kevin Boyce (D), Dale Mallory (D) and Al Landis (R) were excluded because they did not introduce any qualifying bills in 2013-2014.
129th General Assembly Scores (2011-2012)
State Senate (2011-2012)
Majority | Score | Minority | Score | |||
Hughes | Jim | 1.03115 | Wilson | Jason | 1.98492 | |
Niehaus | Tom | 0.83958 | Sawyer | Tom | 0.62704 | |
Oelslager | Scott | 0.60643 | Brown | Edna | 0.50121 | |
Widener | Chris | 0.48042 | Schiavoni | Joe | 0.47282 | |
Wagoner | Mark | 0.43730 | Cafaro | Capri | 0.28312 | |
Lehner | Peggy | 0.39063 | Kearney | Eric | 0.09131 | |
LaRose | Frank | 0.36296 | Turner | Nina | -0.10617 | |
Seitz | Bill | 0.27293 | Tavares | Charleta | -0.38853 | |
Bacon | Kevin | 0.24423 | Skindell | Michael J. | -0.49388 | |
Beagle | Bill | 0.22085 | Gentile | Lou | -0.60662 | |
Grendell | Tim | 0.14779 | Smith | Shirley | -0.87243 | |
Manning | Gayle | 0.09791 | ||||
Hite | Cliff | 0.07816 | ||||
Burke | David | 0.07628 | ||||
Eklund | John | -0.06383 | ||||
Obhof | Larry | -0.12068 | ||||
Jones | Shannon | -0.27747 | ||||
Balderson | Troy | -0.28477 | ||||
Patton | Tom | -0.47900 | ||||
Schaffer | Tim | -0.52240 | ||||
Daniels | David T. | -0.57874 | ||||
Coley | Bill | -0.71423 | ||||
Jordan | Kris | -1.22829 | ||||
Faber | Keith | -1.25016 | ||||
Senators who served fewer than 10 months are excluded: Karen Gillmor (R), Gary Cates (R) and Jimmy Stewart (R)
Bob Peterson (R) was excluded because he did not introduce any qualifying bills in 2011-2012.
State House (2011-2012)
Majority | Score | Minority | Score | |||
McGregor | Ross | 1.18145 | Barnes Jr. | John E. | 1.04422 | |
Batchelder | William G. | 0.57936 | Mallory | Dale | 0.87424 | |
Blair | Terry | 0.44336 | DeGeeter | Timothy J. | 0.68167 | |
McKenney | Todd | 0.43937 | Szollosi | Matt | 0.56550 | |
Buchy | Jim | 0.39106 | Stinziano | Michael | 0.46924 | |
Johnson | Terry | 0.38923 | Patmon | Bill | 0.45983 | |
Schuring | Kirk | 0.36972 | Carney | John Patrick | 0.44751 | |
Carey | John | 0.33531 | Letson | Tom | 0.39280 | |
Butler | Jim | 0.28052 | Sykes | Vernon | 0.23309 | |
Grossman | Cheryl | 0.24718 | Weddington | W. Carlton | 0.15480 | |
Dovilla | Mike | 0.24360 | Celeste | Ted | 0.14794 | |
Sprague | Robert | 0.22285 | Fende | Lorraine | 0.14131 | |
Hottinger | Jay | 0.20593 | Yuko | Kenny | 0.12676 | |
Damschroder | Rex | 0.19506 | Fedor | Teresa | 0.11461 | |
Anielski | Marlene | 0.16079 | Goyal | Jay | 0.03949 | |
Hill | Brian | 0.14551 | Luckie | Clayton | -0.00482 | |
Hall | Dave | 0.08816 | Gerberry | Ron | -0.07354 | |
Adams | Richard | 0.05475 | Slesnick | Stephen | -0.10897 | |
Peterson | Bob | 0.05346 | Milkovich | Zack | -0.13256 | |
Combs | Courtney | 0.04004 | Heard | Tracy Maxwell | -0.16651 | |
Hackett | Bob | 0.00093 | Murray | Dennis | -0.25183 | |
Amstutz | Ron | -0.01282 | Clyde | Kathleen | -0.25460 | |
Hollington | Richard | -0.04179 | Winburn | Roland | -0.29084 | |
Hagan | Christina | -0.06680 | Phillips | Debbie | -0.34439 | |
Slaby | Lynn | -0.07466 | Garland | Nancy | -0.39367 | |
Stebelton | Gerald | -0.07728 | O’Brien | Sean | -0.45791 | |
Goodwin | Bruce | -0.09760 | Pillich | Connie | -0.55442 | |
Derickson | Timothy | -0.10133 | Gentile | Lou | -0.58757 | |
Huffman | Matt | -0.10865 | Antonio | Nickie | -0.61716 | |
Ruhl | Margaret | -0.11698 | Boyd | Barbara | -0.64462 | |
Gardner | Randy | -0.12798 | Williams | Sandra | -0.64955 | |
Stautberg | Peter | -0.14315 | Driehaus | Denise | -0.68599 | |
McClain | Jeffrey | -0.14531 | Cera | Jack | -0.74403 | |
Blessing | Lou | -0.15144 | Okey | Mark | -0.84494 | |
Hayes | Bill | -0.19358 | Lundy | Matt | -0.92805 | |
Conditt | Margaret | -0.19445 | Ramos | Dan | -0.94943 | |
Gonzales | Anne | -0.21768 | Reece | Alicia | -1.07190 | |
Beck | Peter | -0.22713 | Hagan | Robert | -1.31216 | |
Rosenberger | Cliff | -0.22841 | Foley | Michael | -1.61115 | |
Duffey | Mike | -0.23113 | ||||
Kozlowski | Casey | -0.24658 | ||||
Martin | Jarrod | -0.25177 | ||||
Roegner | Kristina | -0.30663 | ||||
Sears | Barbara | -0.34565 | ||||
Maag | Ron | -0.38644 | ||||
Baker | Nan | -0.41921 | ||||
Bubp | Danny | -0.42784 | ||||
Pelanda | Dorothy Liggett | -0.51914 | ||||
Henne | Michael | -0.52497 | ||||
Landis | Al | -0.55330 | ||||
Brenner | Andrew | -0.55829 | ||||
Newbold | Craig | -0.57728 | ||||
Adams | John | -0.59471 | ||||
Uecker | Joe | -0.69618 | ||||
Young | Ron | -0.89203 | ||||
Boose | Terry | -0.96758 | ||||
Wachtmann | Lynn | -1.15518 | ||||
Terhar | Louis | -1.43128 | ||||
Thompson | Andy | -1.48986 | ||||
Representatives who served fewer than 10 months are excluded: Cliff Hite (R), Todd Snitchler (R), Marilyn Slaby (R), Gary Scherer (R), Bill Coley(R), Matt Lynch (R), Troy Balderson (R), Ryan Smith (R), David Burke (R), Philip H. Rose (R), Mary Brigid Matheney (R), Robert Mecklenborg (R) and Kevin Boyce (D)
Nicholas J. Celebrezze (D), Michael Ashford (D) and Anthony DeVitis (R) were excluded because they did not introduce any qualifying bills in 2011-2012.
Speaker Armond Budish (D) did not introduce any qualified bills and was excluded.
128th General Assembly Scores (2009-2010)
State Senate (2009-2010)
Majority | Score | Minority | Score | |||
Wagoner | Mark | 1.32877 | Wilson | Jason | 1.58885 | |
Gillmor | Karen | 1.05109 | Fedor | Teresa | 0.85859 | |
Seitz | Bill | 0.98592 | Smith | Shirley | 0.69146 | |
Goodman | David | 0.65376 | Morano | Sue | 0.60363 | |
Schuring | Kirk | 0.62698 | Schiavoni | Joe | 0.57863 | |
Coughlin | Kevin | 0.59327 | Strahorn | Fred | 0.53338 | |
Carey | John | 0.57020 | Sawyer | Tom | 0.50241 | |
Hughes | Jim | 0.55740 | Turner | Nina | 0.41002 | |
Grendell | Timothy | 0.53415 | Kearney | Eric | 0.35411 | |
Niehaus | Tom | 0.46486 | Cafaro | Capri | 0.18938 | |
Stewart | Jimmy | 0.43384 | Miller | Dale | 0.10322 | |
Schaffer | Tim | 0.32116 | Miller | Ray | -0.31039 | |
Buehrer | Steve | 0.13115 | ||||
Cates | Gary | 0.08278 | ||||
Husted | Jon | -0.07871 | ||||
Patton | Tom | -0.35258 | ||||
Gibbs | Bob | -0.47259 | ||||
Widener | Chris | -0.51897 | ||||
Jones | Shannon | -0.62045 | ||||
Faber | Keith | -0.95528 | ||||
Senators who served fewer than 10 months are excluded: Bob Schuler(R) and Tom Roberts (D)
Senate President Bill Harris (R) did not introduce any qualified bills and was excluded.
State House (2009-2010)
Majority | Score | Minority | Score | |||
Okey | Mark | 1.20811 | Coley | Bill | 0.77953 | |
Carney | John Patrick | 0.41130 | Dolan | Matt | 0.52376 | |
Letson | Tom | 0.36719 | Daniels | David T. | 0.51312 | |
Brown | Edna | 0.26353 | Bacon | Kevin | 0.49049 | |
Domenick | John | 0.23491 | Evans | Clyde | 0.44785 | |
Harwood | Sandra | 0.22040 | Hite | Cliff | 0.34168 | |
Chandler | Kathleen | 0.15784 | Stautberg | Peter | 0.34140 | |
Lundy | Matt | 0.07760 | Lehner | Peggy | 0.24563 | |
Murray | Dennis | 0.06504 | Derickson | Timothy | 0.20586 | |
Book | Todd | 0.04219 | Snitchler | Todd | 0.18469 | |
Goyal | Jay | 0.03741 | Hottinger | Jay | 0.10241 | |
Pillich | Connie | -0.01769 | Goodwin | Bruce | -0.00441 | |
Gerberry | Ron | -0.02361 | McClain | Jeffrey | -0.04691 | |
Williams | Brian | -0.07911 | Gardner | Randy | -0.08215 | |
Patten | Matt | -0.08393 | Batchelder | William G. | -0.12407 | |
Bolon | Linda | -0.10328 | Combs | Courtney | -0.13193 | |
Sayre | Allan | -0.19081 | Bubp | Danny | -0.13403 | |
DeGeeter | Timothy J. | -0.21731 | Ruhl | Margaret | -0.17412 | |
Celeste | Ted | -0.23276 | Zehringer | Jim | -0.17756 | |
Ujvagi | Peter | -0.29313 | Amstutz | Ron | -0.17865 | |
Fende | Lorraine | -0.32049 | Uecker | Joe | -0.18081 | |
Yuko | Kenny | -0.34247 | Huffman | Matt | -0.30909 | |
Mallory | Dale | -0.37566 | Hollington | Richard | -0.34042 | |
Driehaus | Denise | -0.38550 | Stebelton | Gerald | -0.37278 | |
Pryor | Raymond | -0.40057 | Balderson | Troy | -0.37297 | |
Dyer | Steve | -0.45176 | Boose | Terry | -0.45885 | |
Dodd | Dan | -0.47390 | Hackett | Bob | -0.50488 | |
Skindell | Michael J. | -0.48535 | Wachtmann | Lynn | -0.54721 | |
Garrison | Jennifer | -0.50155 | Martin | Jarrod | -0.77036 | |
Moran | Mike | -0.51427 | McGregor | Ross | -0.86799 | |
Harris | Marian | -0.57935 | Sears | Barbara | -0.87075 | |
Newcomb | Deborah | -0.61123 | Baker | Nan | -0.91821 | |
Boyd | Barbara | -0.63981 | Grossman | Cheryl | -1.01764 | |
Koziura | Joseph | -0.74129 | Mecklenborg | Robert | -1.02587 | |
Luckie | Clayton | -0.74209 | Wagner | Jeff | -1.10819 | |
Garland | Nancy | -0.76326 | Adams | Richard | -1.45459 | |
Weddington | W. Carlton | -0.86442 | Blair | Terry | -1.48859 | |
Hagan | Bob | -0.93406 | Jordan | Kris | -1.49042 | |
DeBose | Michael | -0.93519 | Adams | John | -1.58956 | |
Stewart | Dan | -1.00270 | Maag | Ron | -1.63699 | |
Williams | Sandra | -1.02017 | Morgan | Seth | -1.70385 | |
Foley | Michael | -1.04534 | Burke | David | -1.71039 | |
Slesnick | Stephen | -1.05133 | ||||
Heard | Tracy Maxwell | -1.06721 | ||||
Reece | Alicia | -1.15769 | ||||
Winburn | Roland | -1.32085 | ||||
Yates | Tyrone | -1.54840 | ||||
Belcher | Robin | -1.59842 | ||||
Sykes | Vernon | -1.65065 | ||||
Schneider | Mark | -1.85802 | ||||
This is the only session where the Democratic party held the majority. Both parties were more partisan on average than the historical baseline.
Representatives who served fewer than 10 months are excluded: Shannon Jones (R), Joshua O’Farrell (D), Eugene Miller (D), Joe Walter (D) and Debbie Phillips (D)
Peter Beck (R), Josh Mandel (R), Dave Hall (R), Lou Blessing (R), Scott Oelslager (R), Matt Szollosi (D) and John Otterman (D) were excluded because they did not introduce any qualifying bills in 2009-2010.
127th General Assembly Scores (2007-2008)
State Senate (2007-2008)
Majority | Score | Minority | Score | |||
Stivers | Steve | 1.59943 | Sawyer | Tom | 1.51951 | |
Jacobson | Jeff | 1.24870 | Wilson | Jason | 1.10210 | |
Grendell | Timothy | 1.12196 | Mason | Lance | 1.10118 | |
Goodman | David | 0.84733 | Fedor | Teresa | 0.91747 | |
Schuler | Robert | 0.80527 | Boccieri | John | 0.81771 | |
Padgett | Joy | 0.73878 | Kearney | Eric | 0.73087 | |
Niehaus | Tom | 0.71429 | Cafaro | Capri | 0.68763 | |
Spada | Robert | 0.60103 | Roberts | Tom | 0.58211 | |
Seitz | Bill | 0.48938 | Miller | Dale | 0.24935 | |
Schuring | Kirk | 0.41526 | Miller | Ray | -0.09913 | |
Austria | Steve | 0.40649 | Smith | Shirley | -0.13763 | |
Cates | Gary | 0.35071 | Morano | Sue | -0.39249 | |
Faber | Keith | 0.31744 | ||||
Wagoner | Mark | 0.28974 | ||||
Schaffer | Tim | 0.11256 | ||||
Carey | John | 0.07565 | ||||
Gardner | Randy | -0.21151 | ||||
Buehrer | Steve | -0.31680 | ||||
Amstutz | Ron | -0.32650 | ||||
Coughlin | Kevin | -0.35734 | ||||
Mumper | Larry | -0.44540 | ||||
Senators who served fewer than 10 months are excluded: Nina Turner (D), Tom Patton (R), Peggy Lehner (R) and Patricia Clancy (R)
Senate President Bill Harris (R) did not introduce any qualified bills and was excluded.
State House (2007-2008)
Majority | Score | Minority | Score | |||
McGregor | Jim | 1.66549 | Goyal | Jay | 1.17157 | |
Hughes | Jim | 1.37285 | Distel | George | 1.06574 | |
Evans | Clyde | 1.37014 | Domenick | John | 0.92412 | |
Peterson | Jon | 0.84752 | Mallory | Dale | 0.60307 | |
Stewart | Jimmy | 0.68017 | Harwood | Sandra | 0.60217 | |
Oelslager | Scott | 0.67391 | Fende | Lorraine | 0.57486 | |
Combs | Courtney | 0.63452 | Chandler | Kathleen | 0.55104 | |
Hite | Cliff | 0.45462 | Healy II | William J. | 0.55028 | |
Stebelton | Gerald | 0.45050 | DeBose | Michael | 0.54243 | |
Wagoner | Mark | 0.44156 | Celeste | Ted | 0.52395 | |
Hottinger | Jay | 0.43612 | Garrison | Jennifer | 0.52127 | |
McGregor | Ross | 0.38687 | Okey | Mark | 0.46012 | |
Webster | Shawn | 0.31346 | Brown | Edna | 0.38864 | |
Batchelder | William G. | 0.22302 | DeGeeter | Timothy J. | 0.36569 | |
Fessler | Diana | 0.14678 | Heard | Tracy Maxwell | 0.34913 | |
Schneider | Michelle G. | 0.13987 | Lundy | Matt | 0.33015 | |
Flowers | Larry L. | 0.13888 | Szollosi | Matt | 0.27474 | |
Huffman | Matt | 0.13754 | Ujvagi | Peter | 0.27437 | |
Uecker | Joe | 0.11607 | Sykes | Vernon | 0.20406 | |
Bacon | Kevin | 0.08625 | Book | Todd | 0.11592 | |
Core | Tony | -0.01057 | Dyer | Steve | 0.04320 | |
Mandel | Josh | -0.01479 | Sayre | Allan | 0.03727 | |
Blessing | Lou | -0.01592 | Yuko | Kenny | 0.00653 | |
Setzer | Arlene | -0.01685 | Gerberry | Ron | -0.03994 | |
Collier | Thom | -0.05232 | Driehaus | Steve | -0.09713 | |
Daniels | David T. | -0.06330 | Koziura | Joseph | -0.11134 | |
Raussen | Jim | -0.06440 | Stewart | Dan | -0.21440 | |
Goodwin | Bruce | -0.10866 | Boyd | Barbara | -0.26442 | |
White | John | -0.11440 | Bolon | Linda | -0.29057 | |
Gibbs | Bob | -0.13523 | Yates | Tyrone | -0.30771 | |
Latta | Bob | -0.18719 | Miller | Eugene | -0.31878 | |
Wagner | Jeff | -0.20085 | Beatty | Joyce | -0.38418 | |
Reinhard | Steve | -0.25423 | Letson | Tom | -0.39929 | |
Dolan | Matt | -0.26069 | Foley | Michael | -0.43693 | |
Jones | Shannon | -0.28383 | Skindell | Michael J. | -0.47050 | |
Brinkman Jr. | Tom | -0.30675 | Luckie | Clayton | -0.52217 | |
Patton | Tom | -0.31959 | Hagan | Robert | -0.52837 | |
Bubp | Danny | -0.32915 | Williams | Sandra | -0.55113 | |
Mecklenborg | Robert | -0.32946 | Dodd | Dan | -0.62087 | |
Hagan | John | -0.39431 | Strahorn | Fred | -0.62330 | |
Wachtmann | Lynn | -0.41808 | Williams | Brian | -0.63225 | |
Zehringer | Jim | -0.43099 | Budish | Armond | -0.66823 | |
Gardner | Randy | -0.47409 | Otterman | John | -0.97528 | |
Coley | Bill | -0.60520 | Brady | Jennifer | -1.32493 | |
Sears | Barbara | -0.70818 | ||||
Adams | John | -0.79236 | ||||
Widener | Chris | -0.80778 | ||||
Schlichter | John M. | -0.81005 | ||||
Wolpert | Larry | -0.87808 | ||||
Widowfield | John | -0.90373 | ||||
Carmichael | Jim | -0.91744 | ||||
Schindel | Carol-Ann | -0.96326 | ||||
DeWine | Kevin | -1.85802 | ||||
Representatives who served fewer than 10 months are excluded: Tom Heydinger (D), Kenneth Carano (D), Deborah Newcomb (D), Stephen Slesnick (D), Richard Nero (R), Colleen Grady (R), Andrew Ciafardini (R) and Bill Seitz (R)
Chris Redfern (D), Matt Barrett (D), Robert J. Otterman (D) and Jim Aslanides (R) were excluded because they did not introduce any qualifying bills in 2007-2008.
126th General Assembly Scores (2005-2006)
State Senate (2005-2006)
Majority | Score | Minority | Score | |||
Schuring | Kirk | 1.49500 | Wilson | Charlie | 0.56849 | |
Padgett | Joy | 0.97181 | Kearney | Eric | 0.53691 | |
Spada | Robert | 0.61890 | Zurz | Kimberly | 0.33634 | |
Grendell | Timothy | 0.54761 | Fedor | Teresa | 0.23614 | |
Carey | John | 0.45461 | Fingerhut | Eric | 0.09127 | |
Cates | Gary | 0.21519 | Dann | Marc | -0.08003 | |
Clancy | Patricia | 0.16518 | Mallory | Mark | -0.28106 | |
Niehaus | Tom | 0.15925 | Prentiss | C.J. | -0.44361 | |
Amstutz | Ron | 0.12768 | Hagan | Bob | -0.63469 | |
Austria | Steve | 0.04213 | Miller | Ray | -0.75739 | |
Armbruster | Jeff | 0.02013 | Roberts | Tom | -1.15031 | |
Jordan | Jim | -0.05309 | Brady | Dan | -1.33692 | |
Goodman | David | -0.07377 | ||||
Schuler | Robert | -0.23295 | ||||
Gardner | Randy | -0.25331 | ||||
Wachtmann | Lynn | -0.43101 | ||||
Stivers | Steve | -0.45470 | ||||
Jacobson | Jeff | -0.56548 | ||||
Coughlin | Kevin | -0.75480 | ||||
Mumper | Larry | -0.97319 | ||||
Hottinger | Jay | -1.04620 | ||||
Senate President Bill Harris (R) did not introduce any qualified bills and was excluded.
State House (2005-2006)
Majority | Score | Minority | Score | |||
Oelslager | Scott | 1.80726 | Hartnett | William J. | 1.35401 | |
McGregor | Jim | 1.55905 | Domenick | John | 1.12643 | |
Reidelbach | Linda | 1.26584 | Cassell | Timothy J. | 0.89272 | |
Hughes | Jim | 1.17228 | Chandler | Kathleen | 0.68833 | |
Evans | Clyde | 1.05548 | Barrett | Catherine L. | 0.64403 | |
Hood | Ron | 0.98744 | Carano | Kenneth | 0.62364 | |
Stewart | Jimmy | 0.95524 | Mason | Lance | 0.60733 | |
Seitz | Bill | 0.83677 | Sayre | Allan | 0.59114 | |
Taylor | Mary | 0.78809 | Harwood | Sandra | 0.57367 | |
Widowfield | John | 0.74813 | Fende | Lorraine | 0.51354 | |
Raussen | Jim | 0.61865 | Distel | George | 0.49522 | |
Fessler | Diana | 0.46260 | DeGeeter | Timothy J. | 0.40516 | |
Combs | Courtney | 0.41531 | Boccieri | John | 0.39195 | |
Wagoner | Mark | 0.40595 | Ujvagi | Peter | 0.30622 | |
Kilbane | Sally Conway | 0.38294 | Allen | Dixie | 0.15025 | |
Willamowski | John R. | 0.37071 | Garrison | Jennifer | 0.12993 | |
Wagner | Jeff | 0.35050 | Brown | Edna | 0.12057 | |
Carmichael | Jim | 0.32631 | DeBose | Michael | -0.01187 | |
Peterson | Jon | 0.30871 | Key | Annie L. | -0.09575 | |
Wolpert | Larry | 0.30263 | Beatty | Joyce | -0.10308 | |
Hoops | Jim | 0.28657 | Healy II | William J. | -0.11029 | |
Core | Tony | 0.27184 | Strahorn | Fred | -0.11685 | |
Dolan | Matt | 0.23536 | Smith | Shirley | -0.21707 | |
Latta | Bob | 0.18966 | Williams | Brian | -0.30040 | |
Schaffer | Tim | 0.14242 | Stewart | Dan | -0.43531 | |
Hagan | John | 0.09287 | Mitchell | Mike | -0.44862 | |
Setzer | Arlene | 0.01241 | Perry | Jeanine | -0.50566 | |
Uecker | Joe | -0.02104 | Woodard | Claudette | -0.53653 | |
McGregor | Ross | -0.07419 | Yuko | Kenny | -0.61927 | |
Schneider | Michelle G. | -0.15495 | Redfern | Chris | -0.67440 | |
Bubp | Danny | -0.16176 | Miller | Dale | -0.71547 | |
Widener | Chris | -0.16330 | Skindell | Michael J. | -0.71558 | |
Trakas | Jim | -0.16978 | Driehaus | Steve | -0.80500 | |
Brinkman Jr. | Tom | -0.16990 | Yates | Tyrone | -0.91902 | |
Gibbs | Bob | -0.18257 | Koziura | Joseph | -1.03025 | |
Webster | Shawn | -0.20341 | Sykes | Barbara | -1.52243 | |
Gilb | Mike | -0.21462 | ||||
Reinhard | Steve | -0.25623 | ||||
Martin | Earl | -0.28527 | ||||
Aslanides | Jim | -0.29394 | ||||
Collier | Thom | -0.31431 | ||||
Schlichter | John M. | -0.34780 | ||||
White | John | -0.35612 | ||||
Patton | Tom | -0.39255 | ||||
Daniels | David T. | -0.40252 | ||||
Flowers | Larry L. | -0.40858 | ||||
Faber | Keith | -0.41204 | ||||
Smith | Geoffrey C. | -0.49625 | ||||
Buehrer | Steve | -0.54062 | ||||
Raga | Tom | -0.55243 | ||||
Law | Randy | -0.55978 | ||||
Coley | Bill | -0.58142 | ||||
Calvert | Chuck | -0.60885 | ||||
Seaver | Derrick | -0.75808 | ||||
Blasdel | Chuck | -0.95182 | ||||
Walcher-Reed | Kathleen L. | -1.02765 | ||||
DeWine | Kevin | -1.08759 | ||||
Blessing | Lou | -1.32272 | ||||
Representatives who served fewer than 10 months are excluded:
Michael Foley (D), Clayton Luckie (D), Dan White (R), Merle G. Kearns (R)
Todd Book (D), Sylvester Patton (D), Robert J. Otterman (D) and David R. Evans (R) were excluded because they did not introduce any qualifying bills in 2005-2006.
Speaker Jon Husted (R) did not introduce any qualified bills and was excluded.
125th General Assembly Scores (2003-2004)
State Senate (2003-2004)
Majority | Score | Minority | Score | |||
Schuring | Kirk | 1.75721 | Fedor | Teresa | 0.07311 | |
Wachtmann | Lynn | 1.45541 | Prentiss | C.J. | -0.10927 | |
Harris | Bill | 0.99183 | Dann | Marc | -0.18389 | |
Jordan | Jim | 0.98405 | Mallory | Mark | -0.24329 | |
Stivers | Steve | 0.94323 | Miller | Ray | -0.35685 | |
Gardner | Randy | 0.74167 | Fingerhut | Eric | -0.86463 | |
Nein | Scott | 0.62344 | Roberts | Tom | -1.02533 | |
Goodman | David | 0.62323 | Brady | Dan | -1.14906 | |
Carey | John | 0.47462 | Hagan | Bob | -1.19595 | |
Blessing | Lou | 0.38389 | Zurz | Kimberly | -1.50837 | |
Austria | Steve | 0.29853 | ||||
Jacobson | Jeff | 0.29295 | ||||
Gardner | Robert A. | 0.20706 | ||||
Spada | Robert | 0.14352 | ||||
Schuler | Robert | 0.14102 | ||||
Padgett | Joy | 0.01543 | ||||
Hottinger | Jay | -0.08274 | ||||
Armbruster | Jeff | -0.77353 | ||||
Amstutz | Ron | -0.82626 | ||||
Coughlin | Kevin | -0.98120 | ||||
Mumper | Larry | -0.98349 | ||||
Carnes | James E. | -1.36398 | ||||
Senators who served fewer than 10 months are excluded: Leigh Herington (D)
Senate President Doug White (R) and Minority Leader Gregory L. DiDonato (D) did not introduce any qualified bills and were excluded.
State House (2003-2004)
Majority | Score | Minority | Score | |||
Seaver | Derrick | 1.40104 | Domenick | John | 1.20677 | |
Seitz | Bill | 1.08560 | Harwood | Sandra | 1.15104 | |
Williams | Bryan C. | 0.91571 | Wilson | Charlie | 1.08728 | |
Kearns | Merle G. | 0.70397 | Hartnett | William J. | 1.08577 | |
McGregor | Jim | 0.70279 | DePiero | Dean | 0.86338 | |
Widowfield | John | 0.66139 | Jerse | Ed | 0.71689 | |
Oelslager | Scott | 0.61250 | Carano | Kenneth | 0.69186 | |
Willamowski | John R. | 0.54594 | Distel | George | 0.63888 | |
Hagan | John | 0.53993 | Barrett | Catherine L. | 0.60443 | |
Fessler | Diana | 0.51602 | Key | Annie L. | 0.59166 | |
Schmidt | Jean | 0.43623 | Chandler | Kathleen | 0.48564 | |
Reidelbach | Linda | 0.35789 | Brown | Edna | 0.47268 | |
Olman | Lynn | 0.34630 | Beatty | Joyce | 0.43475 | |
Combs | Courtney | 0.33076 | Smith | Shirley | 0.43360 | |
Hollister | Nancy P. | 0.23954 | Driehaus | Steve | 0.36756 | |
Core | Tony | 0.22090 | Book | Todd | 0.35365 | |
Raga | Tom | 0.14714 | Woodard | Claudette | 0.29132 | |
Hoops | Jim | 0.13906 | Strahorn | Fred | 0.18029 | |
Schneider | Michelle G. | 0.12223 | Stewart | Dan | 0.14705 | |
Hughes | Jim | 0.12076 | Mason | Lance | 0.11460 | |
Callender | Jamie | 0.11096 | Ujvagi | Peter | 0.10721 | |
Carmichael | Jim | 0.10316 | Price | Larry | 0.05280 | |
Trakas | Jim | 0.08330 | DeBose | Michael | 0.00248 | |
Grendell | Tim | 0.07758 | Koziura | Joseph | -0.00886 | |
Schlichter | John M. | 0.06305 | Miller | Dale | -0.14262 | |
Collier | Thom | 0.03971 | Boccieri | John | -0.21237 | |
Wolpert | Larry | 0.00055 | Cirelli | Mary | -0.31630 | |
Patton | Tom | -0.11004 | DeGeeter | Timothy J. | -0.34837 | |
Martin | Earl | -0.11629 | Yates | Tyrone | -0.37421 | |
Webster | Shawn | -0.13357 | Skindell | Michael J. | -0.39550 | |
Gibbs | Bob | -0.13512 | Sferra | Daniel | -0.50033 | |
Smith | Geoffrey C. | -0.15799 | Redfern | Chris | -0.55854 | |
Faber | Keith | -0.15889 | Sykes | Barbara | -0.93944 | |
Flowers | Larry L. | -0.21180 | ||||
Jolivette | Greg | -0.21247 | ||||
Evans | Clyde | -0.22556 | ||||
Niehaus | Tom | -0.23869 | ||||
Clancy | Patricia | -0.23956 | ||||
Kilbane | Sally Conway | -0.24886 | ||||
White | John | -0.25516 | ||||
Brinkman Jr. | Tom | -0.26900 | ||||
Walcher | Kathleen | -0.28155 | ||||
Husted | Jon | -0.28556 | ||||
Taylor | Mary | -0.29905 | ||||
Setzer | Arlene | -0.31030 | ||||
Raussen | Jim | -0.32132 | ||||
Young | Ron | -0.33112 | ||||
Stewart | Jimmy | -0.33397 | ||||
Aslanides | Jim | -0.35300 | ||||
Reinhard | Steve | -0.36158 | ||||
Schaffer | Tim | -0.37364 | ||||
Peterson | Jon | -0.45427 | ||||
Widener | Chris | -0.47416 | ||||
Wagner | Jeff | -0.48346 | ||||
Blasdel | Chuck | -0.49403 | ||||
Latta | Bob | -0.57705 | ||||
Daniels | David T. | -0.83013 | ||||
Calvert | Chuck | -0.94328 | ||||
Buehrer | Steve | -0.99002 | ||||
DeWine | Kevin | -1.25032 | ||||
Evans | David R. | -1.42531 | ||||
Gilb | Mike | -1.52229 | ||||
Cates | Gary | -1.54401 | ||||
Representatives who served fewer than 10 months are excluded: Jeffrey Manning (R) and Marilyn Slaby (R)
Sylvester Patton (D), Robert J. Otterman (D), Dixie Allen (D) and Jeanine Perry (D) were excluded because they did not introduce any qualifying bills in 2003-2004.
Speaker Larry Householder (R) did not cosponsor any qualified bills and was excluded.
124th General Assembly Scores (2001-2002)
State Senate (2001-2002)
Majority | Score | Minority | Score | |||
Austria | Steve | 0.33026 | Espy | Ben | 1.02685 | |
Oelslager | Scott | 0.23069 | Prentiss | C.J. | -0.09765 | |
Blessing | Lou | 0.04774 | DiDonato | Gregory L. | -0.22967 | |
Spada | Robert | 0.03618 | Roberts | Tom | -0.36068 | |
Jordan | Jim | -0.14213 | Brady | Dan | -0.41109 | |
Armbruster | Jeff | -0.24442 | Hagan | Bob | -0.45016 | |
Mumper | Larry | -0.35906 | Fingerhut | Eric | -0.45111 | |
Nein | Scott | -0.37409 | Herington | Leigh | -0.47649 | |
Harris | Bill | -0.39489 | Ryan | Tim | -0.51242 | |
Wachtmann | Lynn | -0.43799 | Mallory | Mark | -0.75842 | |
Gardner | Robert A. | -0.43922 | McLin | Rhine | -0.98913 | |
Mead | Priscilla D. | -0.48733 | Shoemaker | Michael | -1.11144 | |
Coughlin | Kevin | -0.57048 | ||||
Carnes | James E. | -0.59237 | ||||
Amstutz | Ron | -0.61251 | ||||
Jacobson | Jeff | -0.75115 | ||||
Goodman | David | -0.92341 | ||||
Gardner | Randy L. | -1.18056 | ||||
White | Doug | -1.28623 | ||||
Hottinger | Jay | -1.62271 | ||||
Senators who served fewer than 10 months are excluded: Bruce Johnson (R)
Linda J. Furney (D) was excluded because she did not introduce any qualifying bills in 2001-2002.
Senate President Richard Finan (R) did not introduce any qualified bills and was excluded.
State House (2001-2002)
Majority | Score | Minority | Score | |||
Seaver | Derrick | 2.67615 | Hartnett | William J. | 1.18485 | |
Seitz | Bill | 1.24268 | Mason | Lance | 1.00654 | |
Kilbane | Sally Conway | 1.11974 | Coates | Wayne | 0.94193 | |
Willamowski | John R. | 1.11176 | Distel | George | 0.92821 | |
Lendrum | J. Tom | 0.93359 | Sulzer | Joseph P. | 0.90949 | |
Core | Tony | 0.86793 | Perry | Jeanine | 0.89686 | |
Callender | Jamie | 0.79489 | Latell Jr. | Anthony | 0.88084 | |
Trakas | Jim | 0.74951 | Carano | Kenneth | 0.87780 | |
Schuring | Kirk | 0.59547 | Wilson | Charlie | 0.70783 | |
Damschroder | Rex | 0.55083 | Sferra | Daniel | 0.48578 | |
Hollister | Nancy P. | 0.51672 | Driehaus | Steve | 0.41435 | |
Stapleton | Dennis | 0.49007 | Jerse | Ed | 0.40733 | |
Fessler | Diana | 0.43789 | Redfern | Chris | 0.29052 | |
Young | Ron | 0.40563 | Fedor | Teresa | 0.27817 | |
Smith | Geoffrey C. | 0.33079 | Britton | Samuel T. | 0.24330 | |
Hagan | John | 0.32514 | Sullivan | Erin | 0.22392 | |
Blasdel | Chuck | 0.30179 | Jones | Peter Lawson | 0.20661 | |
Hughes | Jim | 0.28405 | Woodard | Claudette | 0.20632 | |
Salerno | Amy | 0.26182 | DePiero | Dean | 0.19884 | |
Grendell | Tim | 0.25008 | Patton | Sylvester | 0.19479 | |
Flowers | Larry L. | 0.22761 | Smith | Shirley | 0.16248 | |
Latta | Bob | 0.22735 | Ogg | William L. | 0.15167 | |
Manning | Jeffrey | 0.20071 | Cirelli | Mary | 0.06942 | |
Hoops | Jim | 0.19016 | Miller | Dale | 0.02117 | |
Niehaus | Tom | 0.16955 | Beatty | Joyce | 0.01817 | |
Jolivette | Greg | 0.14634 | Boccieri | John | 0.00284 | |
Collier | Thom | 0.14050 | Oakar | Mary Rose | -0.00450 | |
Roman | Twyla | 0.13214 | Koziura | Joseph | -0.03736 | |
Womer Benjamin | Ann H. | 0.12907 | Key | Annie L. | -0.12290 | |
Williams | Bryan C. | 0.06747 | Flannery | Bryan | -0.14278 | |
Metzger | Kerry R. | 0.04609 | Rhine | Ron | -0.16992 | |
Olman | Lynn | 0.01565 | Miller | Ray | -0.20193 | |
Calvert | Chuck | -0.04837 | Strahorn | Fred | -0.28172 | |
Husted | Jon | -0.05021 | Barnes Jr. | John E. | -0.33163 | |
Reinhard | Steve | -0.07764 | DeBose | Michael | -0.50373 | |
Carey | John | -0.08655 | Barrett | Catherine L. | -0.57177 | |
White | John | -0.09783 | Sykes | Barbara | -1.13865 | |
Wolpert | Larry | -0.13522 | Ford | Jack | -1.17178 | |
Aslanides | Jim | -0.15789 | Krupinski | Eileen | -1.19887 | |
Carmichael | Jim | -0.17683 | ||||
Evans | David R. | -0.18213 | ||||
McGregor | Jim | -0.18484 | ||||
Kearns | Merle G. | -0.18900 | ||||
Setzer | Arlene | -0.23794 | ||||
Reidelbach | Linda | -0.24655 | ||||
Schaffer | Tim | -0.29687 | ||||
Schmidt | Jean | -0.32406 | ||||
Raga | Tom | -0.33459 | ||||
Webster | Shawn | -0.38185 | ||||
Brinkman Jr. | Tom | -0.39313 | ||||
Widowfield | John | -0.42890 | ||||
Faber | Keith | -0.43330 | ||||
Schneider | Michelle G. | -0.47030 | ||||
DeWine | Kevin | -0.49921 | ||||
Cates | Gary | -0.64597 | ||||
Buehrer | Steve | -0.66784 | ||||
Peterson | Jon | -0.74751 | ||||
Gilb | Mike | -0.84724 | ||||
Clancy | Patricia | -1.36302 | ||||
Representatives who served fewer than 10 months are excluded: Kevin Coughlin (R), David Goodman (R) and Dan Metelsky (D)
Edna Brown (D), Dixie Allen (D) and Robert J. Otterman (D) were excluded because they did not introduce any qualifying bills in 2001-2002.
123rd General Assembly Scores (1999-2000)
State Senate (1999-2000)
Majority | Score | Minority | Score | |||
Cupp | Robert R. | 0.55857 | Prentiss | C.J. | 1.10747 | |
Kearns | Merle G. | 0.50199 | Latell Jr. | Anthony | 0.65707 | |
Nein | Scott | 0.46164 | McLin | Rhine | 0.54373 | |
Drake | Grace L. | 0.20803 | Brady | Dan | 0.42214 | |
Oelslager | Scott | 0.20518 | Herington | Leigh | 0.08258 | |
Schafrath | Dick | 0.19262 | DiDonato | Gregory L. | 0.03052 | |
Ray | Roy | 0.17898 | Fingerhut | Eric | -0.06622 | |
Gardner | Robert A. | 0.17018 | Espy | Ben | -0.22219 | |
Blessing | Lou | 0.16674 | Hagan | Bob | -0.50303 | |
Armbruster | Jeff | 0.13594 | Mallory | Mark | -0.67254 | |
Wachtmann | Lynn | 0.01480 | Furney | Linda J. | -0.69279 | |
Johnson | Bruce E. | -0.12073 | Shoemaker | Michael | -0.88228 | |
Horn | Chuck | -0.30721 | ||||
Carnes | James E. | -0.35387 | ||||
Watts | Eugene J. | -0.40524 | ||||
Spada | Robert | -0.52272 | ||||
Mumper | Larry | -0.54808 | ||||
Latta | Bob | -0.71367 | ||||
White | Doug | -0.74137 | ||||
Harris | Bill | -1.08535 | ||||
Hottinger | Jay | -1.14392 | ||||
Senate President Richard Finan (R) did not introduce any qualified bills and was excluded.
State House (1999-2000)
Majority | Score | Minority | Score | |||
Vesper | Rose | 1.72935 | Thomas | E.J. | 1.49701 | |
Winkler | Cheryl | 1.71773 | DePiero | Dean | 1.39516 | |
Hollister | Nancy P. | 1.54831 | Maier | Johnnie | 1.37266 | |
Terwilleger | George E. | 1.53542 | Hartnett | William J. | 0.96425 | |
Stapleton | Dennis | 1.42879 | Allen | Dixie | 0.93450 | |
Schuck | Bill | 1.34636 | Krupinski | Jerry W. | 0.78881 | |
O’Brien | Jacquelyn K. | 1.33922 | Ogg | William L. | 0.78187 | |
Mottley | Don | 1.30140 | Verich | Michael G. | 0.71557 | |
Willamowski | John R. | 1.27835 | Sullivan | Erin | 0.65446 | |
Schuler | Bob | 1.27641 | Luebbers | Jerome F. | 0.64064 | |
Womer Benjamin | Ann H. | 1.25040 | Jones | Peter Lawson | 0.62025 | |
Robinson | David | 1.23232 | Britton | Samuel T. | 0.62006 | |
Salerno | Amy | 1.16812 | Wilson | Charlie | 0.59649 | |
Callender | Jamie | 1.06621 | Sulzer | Joseph P. | 0.57325 | |
Clancy | Patricia | 0.99642 | Healy | William J. | 0.51975 | |
Taylor | Bill | 0.99187 | Distel | George | 0.48212 | |
Aslanides | Jim | 0.97528 | Pringle | Barbara C. | 0.40725 | |
Damschroder | Rex | 0.90939 | Jerse | Ed | 0.39689 | |
Olman | Lynn | 0.88580 | Miller | Dale | 0.36011 | |
Van Vyven | Dale N. | 0.87226 | Flannery | Bryan | 0.34762 | |
Krebs | Gene | 0.85107 | Logan | Sean D. | 0.33408 | |
Trakas | Jim | 0.79494 | Barnes Jr. | John E. | 0.32230 | |
Grendell | Diane | 0.76095 | Roberts | Tom | 0.31380 | |
Schuring | Kirk | 0.71934 | Boyd | Barbara | 0.22902 | |
Corbin | Bob | 0.71441 | Redfern | Chris | 0.20176 | |
Tiberi | Patrick | 0.69736 | Ford | Jack | 0.17271 | |
Young | Ron | 0.68885 | Sykes | Vernon | 0.15476 | |
Jolivette | Greg | 0.66108 | Sutton | Betty | 0.12408 | |
Cates | Gary | 0.54742 | Patton | Sylvester | 0.05242 | |
Goodman | David | 0.53169 | Barrett | Catherine L. | -0.14915 | |
Harris | Bill | 0.50875 | Gerberry | Ron | -0.62654 | |
Mead | Priscilla D. | 0.50875 | Miller | Ray | -0.68576 | |
Carey | John | 0.47935 | Smith | Shirley | -0.97904 | |
Austria | Steve | 0.47646 | Gooding | Robert | -1.12680 | |
Coughlin | Kevin | 0.46153 | Hartley | David | -1.38231 | |
Kilbane | Sally Conway | 0.43992 | ||||
Core | Anthony (Tony) | 0.43110 | ||||
Evans | David R. | 0.40723 | ||||
Bateman | Sam | 0.39524 | ||||
Myers | Jon D. | 0.39200 | ||||
Hoops | Jim | 0.32071 | ||||
Jacobson | Jeff | 0.29719 | ||||
Williams | Bryan C. | 0.27930 | ||||
Netzley | Bob | 0.26876 | ||||
Brading | Chuck | 0.26640 | ||||
Metzger | Kerry R. | 0.22051 | ||||
Amstutz | Ron | 0.22031 | ||||
Buehrer | Steve | 0.19388 | ||||
Roman | Twyla | 0.18833 | ||||
Householder | Larry | 0.17167 | ||||
Calvert | Chuck | 0.13542 | ||||
Gardner | Randy | 0.09857 | ||||
Haines | Joe | 0.07053 | ||||
Mettler | Jim | 0.06054 | ||||
Hood | Ron | -0.00913 | ||||
Jordan | Jim | -0.08574 | ||||
Peterson | Jon | -0.11032 | ||||
Buchy | Jim | -0.55799 | ||||
Widener | Chris | -1.45699 | ||||
Representatives who served fewer than 10 months are excluded: Thom Collier (R), Jim Hughes (R), Joy Padgett (R), Ed Core (R), Ross Boggs (D), Otto Beatty Jr. (D), Sally Perz (D), Darrell Opfer (D)
Joan Lawrence (R), Randy Weston (D), Joyce Beatty (D), Mike Stevens (D), Troy Lee James (D), June Lucas-Ferderber (D), Jeanine Perry (D), John Bender (D) and Dan Metelsky (D) were excluded because they did not introduce any qualifying bills in 1999-2000.
Speaker Jo Ann Davidson (R) did not introduce any qualified bills and was excluded.
122nd General Assembly Scores (1997-1998)
State Senate (1997-1998)
Majority | Score | Minority | Score | |||
Drake | Grace L. | 1.19978 | Sweeney | Patrick | 1.26505 | |
Kearns | Merle G. | 0.37273 | Zaleski | Alan | 1.25645 | |
Howard | Janet C. | 0.22485 | DiDonato | Gregory L. | 1.11949 | |
Schafrath | Richard | 0.15305 | Latell Jr. | Anthony | 0.13099 | |
Cupp | Robert R. | 0.06674 | Sheerer | Judy | 0.00774 | |
Suhadolnik | Gary C. | -0.01381 | McLin | Rhine | -0.01987 | |
Latta | Bob | -0.23470 | Espy | Ben | -0.08282 | |
Blessing | Lou | -0.27182 | Furney | Linda J. | -0.22801 | |
Dix | Nancy | -0.30610 | Herington | Leigh | -0.51042 | |
White | Doug | -0.33421 | Hagan | Bob | -0.71450 | |
Gillmor | Karen | -0.39442 | Shoemaker | Michael | -0.86656 | |
Gaeth | Matthew Ben | -0.40671 | Johnson | Jeffrey | -1.15888 | |
Oelslager | Scott | -0.41110 | ||||
Nein | Scott | -0.74963 | ||||
Watts | Eugene J. | -0.96172 | ||||
Johnson | Bruce E. | -0.98032 | ||||
Carnes | James E. | -1.04447 | ||||
Gardner | Robert A. | -1.06064 | ||||
Ray | Roy | -1.18457 | ||||
Mumper | Larry | -1.44359 | ||||
Horn | Chuck | -1.83280 | ||||
Hottinger | Jay | -1.83280 | ||||
Senators who served fewer than 10 months are excluded: Jan Michael Long (D) and Joseph Vukovich (D)
Senate President Richard Finan (R) did not introduce any qualified bills and was excluded.
State House (1997-1998)
Majority | Score | Minority | Score | |||
Colonna | Rocco | 2.09564 | Mottl Jr. | Ron | 1.55758 | |
Garcia | John | 1.84314 | Sawyer | Frank | 1.12328 | |
Mottley | Don | 1.67438 | Ogg | William L. | 0.89325 | |
Schuler | Bob | 1.40515 | Britton | Samuel T. | 0.80169 | |
Vesper | Rose | 1.38788 | Lucas | June | 0.77947 | |
Jacobson | Jeff | 1.20934 | Ford | Jack | 0.74679 | |
Lawrence | Joan | 1.08196 | Jones | Peter Lawson | 0.71852 | |
Mason | Jim | 1.01939 | Metelsky | Dan | 0.68717 | |
Terwilleger | George E. | 0.99306 | Sulzer | Joseph P. | 0.68527 | |
Van Vyven | Dale N. | 0.96583 | Wilson | Charlie | 0.61043 | |
Jolivette | Greg | 0.92061 | Weston | Randy | 0.54140 | |
Padgett | Joy | 0.86847 | Healy | William J. | 0.50571 | |
Schuck | Bill | 0.81130 | Maier Jr. | Johnnie | 0.47993 | |
Willamowski | John R. | 0.76188 | Luebbers | Jerome F. | 0.43905 | |
O’Brien | Jacquelyn K. | 0.75418 | Tavares | Charleta | 0.41419 | |
Winkler | Cheryl | 0.74754 | Krupinski | Jerry W. | 0.39086 | |
Salerno | Amy | 0.69270 | Opfer | Darrell | 0.27290 | |
Mead | Priscilla D. | 0.62992 | Patton | Sylvester | 0.21244 | |
Schuring | Kirk | 0.60992 | Mallory | Mark | 0.17085 | |
Carey | John | 0.51637 | Sutton | Betty | 0.13234 | |
Thomas | E.J. | 0.49306 | Miller | Dale | 0.12470 | |
Roman | Twyla | 0.47063 | Jerse | Ed | 0.07815 | |
Krebs | Gene | 0.44256 | Logan | Sean D. | 0.05917 | |
Householder | Larry | 0.43331 | Pringle | Barbara C. | 0.03161 | |
Young | Ron | 0.43014 | Boyd | Barbara | 0.01511 | |
Olman | Lynn | 0.42413 | Roberts | Tom | -0.05423 | |
Batchelder | William G. | 0.41622 | Prentiss | C.J. | -0.11112 | |
Grendell | Diane | 0.35355 | Bender | John | -0.12970 | |
Netzley | Bob | 0.31933 | James | Troy Lee | -0.15568 | |
Cates | Gary | 0.31316 | Boggs | Ross | -0.21622 | |
Core | Ed | 0.30153 | Sykes | Vernon | -0.35474 | |
Bateman | Sam | 0.29825 | Beatty Jr. | Otto | -0.39607 | |
Reid | Marilyn | 0.27754 | Gerberry | Ron | -0.67938 | |
Hodges | Richard | 0.27603 | Brady | Dan | -0.86688 | |
Taylor | Bill | 0.26567 | Whalen | Vermel | -1.23711 | |
Kasputis | Ed | 0.25388 | Hartley | David | -1.51618 | |
Myers | Jon D. | 0.23918 | ||||
Johnson | Tom | 0.18558 | ||||
Tiberi | Patrick | 0.17904 | ||||
Damschroder | Rex | 0.17329 | ||||
Clancy | Patricia | 0.16648 | ||||
Callender | Jamie | 0.14101 | ||||
Gardner | Randy | 0.12278 | ||||
Womer Benjamin | Ann H. | 0.08539 | ||||
Hottinger | Jay | 0.05375 | ||||
Corbin | Bob | 0.03265 | ||||
Hood | Ron | 0.02652 | ||||
Stapleton | Dennis | -0.00472 | ||||
Perz | Sally | -0.01365 | ||||
Jordan | Jim | -0.17623 | ||||
Brading | Chuck | -0.19678 | ||||
Williams | Bryan C. | -0.21100 | ||||
Harris | Bill | -0.22699 | ||||
Wise | Mike | -0.28629 | ||||
Haines | Joe | -0.29387 | ||||
Metzger | Kerry R. | -0.34070 | ||||
Coughlin | Kevin | -0.40023 | ||||
Evans | David R. | -0.47764 | ||||
Amstutz | Ron | -0.67140 | ||||
Wachtmann | Lynn | -0.67805 | ||||
Buchy | Jim | -0.80316 | ||||
Representatives who served fewer than 10 months are excluded: Erin Sullivan (D), Mike Shoemaker (D), Bob Hagan (D), Chris Verich (D), David Goodman (R), Bill Thompson (R) and Mike Fox (R).
Dixie Allen (D) and Lloyd Lewis Jr. (D) were excluded because they did not introduce any qualifying bills in 1997-1998.
Speaker Jo Ann Davidson (R) did not introduce any qualified bills and was excluded.
Methodology and Notes
The Lugar methodology is followed closely, with these considerations:
Which legislation is counted?
Only bills are counted, not resolutions. Private bills and commemorative designations of things like parks, highways, days and months are excluded.
Legislators must introduce and cosponsor at least one qualifying bill to be included. Party leaders have different responsibilities and therefore may not sponsor any bills, but unlike Lugar, will still be included if they are active lawmakers.
How the score is determined
The bipartisan score is calculated from 5 metrics:
- Percentage of bills sponsored with cosponsor(s) from other party
- Number of bills sponsored with cosponsor(s) from other party
- Intensity: Of bills sponsored with bipartisan support, average number of cosponsors from other party
- Percentage of bills cosponsored introduced by other party
- Number of bills cosponsored introduced by other party
Lugar Center describes in more detail how these categories are combined using averages and standard deviation compared to historical values. They do not publish the exact weights they use for each metric, but say their rating “heavily favors the percentage” and that the other metrics are a “small component”. Here’s what I used:
- Bipartisan sponsorships: 60% percentage, 20% count, 20% intensity
- Bipartisan cosponsorships: 80% percentage, 20% count
A score above 1.0 is outstanding, above 0.5 is very good, below -0.5 is poor, and below -1.0 is very poor.
Standard of bipartisanship
Historical baseline data is taken from the 20-year period from 1997-2016, between the 122nd and 131st General Assemblies, using the oldest data available online.
Fellowing the Lugar method, historical averages are calculated separately for the majority and the minority parties for each chamber. Unlike Congress where the majority switches back and forth between parties, Ohio’s legislature has had a Republican majority in every session in our dataset, except for a single House session in 2009-2010. That makes the standard of bipartisanship incomparable between Republicans and Democrats. Therefore, I’ve listed Ohio lawmakers separately by party, rather than matching Lugar’s single ranked list.
Bills with two primary sponsors
Unlike Congressional bills, Ohio bills sometimes list two primary sponsors. Secondary primary sponsors are treated as regular cosponsors for these reasons:
- Archived bills from 1997-2006 don’t distinguish between second primary and first cosponsor. Using this important historical data requires treating newer bills the same way for consistency.
- A second primary sponsor from the opposite party often has less influence over the bill’s direction, according to a legislative staffer I contacted. That makes them more like a cosponsor for the purpose of measuring bipartisanship.
Source of bill information
Data was downloaded from these official Statehouse sites:
- (2015-present)
- (1997-2014)
Legiscan’s data was evaluated but not used, because I found that it had missing bills and missing sponsor data.
Legal Disclaimers
Not affiliated with Lugar Center or Georgetown University.
All research findings on this page are original works of 2022, are copyright protected, and may not be redistributed or reproduced without this author’s express written permission. You may contact me on Twitter @RationalOhio.