50 Ohio Reps Signed Efforts to Discard 20 Million Votes

42 state lawmakers and 5 US Representatives from Ohio signed documents officially supporting a Texas lawsuit explicitly seeking to not count any electoral college votes in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan and Wisconsin, states which President-Elect Joe Biden won, in a brazen attempt to keep Trump in the White House against the will the people. At least 3 other Reps have joined similar efforts since then.

42 State Reps pushed Ohio to join lawsuit to discard all votes in 4 states

Rep. Scott Wiggam

42 Ohio Representatives signed a letter on December 10th urging Ohio’s Attorney General David Yost to join the Texas lawsuit on behalf of the state. The letter was drafted by Rep Scott Wiggam. Rep Al Cutrona wrote his own letter as well. According to a post by Rep. Jon Cross, “other members already sent separate letters & calls” in support of the lawsuit.

In the letter, they “applaud Texas” for their lawsuit and cite “irregularities in the vote count” and “unexplained statistical anomalies”, echoing the rhetoric used by Trump and his allies which has been deceitful and largely unsubstantiated. They express concern that Ohio voters were “disenfranchised”, despite our votes being counted to secure Trump’s victory in our state, as they seek to disenfranchise 20 million voters in 4 other states by not counting their votes.

These are the signatories:

  • Scott Wiggam (District 1)
  • Mark Romanchuk (District 2)
  • Haraz Ghanbari (District 3)
  • Dave Greenspan (District 16)
  • Tom Brinkman (District 27)
  • Cindy Abrams (District 29)
  • Bill Roemer (District 38)
  • Phil Plummer (District 40)
  • J. Todd Smith (District 43)
  • Derek Merrin (District 47)
  • Reggie Stoltzfus (District 50)
  • Sara Carruthers (District 51)
  • George Lang (District 52)
  • Candice Keller (District 53)
  • Paul Zeltwanger (District 54)
  • Dick Stein (District 57)
  • Al Cutrona (District 59)
  • Scott Lipps (District 62)
  • John Becker (District 65)
  • Doug Green (District 66)
  • Kris Jordan (District 67)
  • Darell Kick (District 70)
  • Mark Fraizer (District 71)
  • Rick Perales (District 73)
  • Bill Dean (District 74)
  • Diane V. Grendell (District 76)
  • Ron Hood (District 78)
  • Kyle Koehler (District 79)
  • Jena Powell (District 80)
  • Craig Riedel (District 82)
  • Jon Cross (District 83)
  • Susan Manchester (District 84)
  • Nino Vitale (District 85)
  • Tracy Richardson (District 86)
  • Riordan McClain (District 87)
  • D. J. Swearingen (District 89)
  • Brian Baldridge (District 90)
  • Shane Wilkin (District 91)
  • Jason Stephens (District 93)
  • Jay Edwards (District 94)
  • Don Jones (District 95)
  • Brett Hillyer (District 98)

Only 19 of the 61 House Republicans did not sign the letter.

Rep. Jim Jordan

Five of Ohio’s US Representatives also signed an amicus brief supporting the lawsuit, alleging that those 4 states had their legislative power usurped by their governors, courts, and/or election officials. That brief’s goal is to “determine the constitutional validity of any ballots cast” in those states, essentially reiterating the request for the Supreme Court to invalidate their votes. In total, 126 US Representatives signed the brief, including these from Ohio:

  • Brad Wenstrup (District 2)
  • Jim Jordan (District 4)
  • Robert E. Latta (District 5)
  • Bill Johnson (District 6)
  • Bob Gibbs (District 7)

One of their leading complaints is that Pennsylvania’s Supreme Court allowed its absentee ballot deadline to be extended 3 days beyond the date set by state law, which the US Supreme Court already allowed. Note that North Carolina also extended its deadline without state legislative approval, which was allowed by the US Supreme Court too, but these Republicans aren’t trying to invalidate those votes where Trump won. This shows that their interests are partisan and not just for the purpose of preserving our Constitutional democracy.

AG Yost files against the Texas lawsuit

Despite these efforts, Attorney General Dave Yost filed an amicus brief on behalf of Ohio against the Texas lawsuit, stating that we “cannot support Texas’s plea for relief” because Texas (and Ohio for that matter) has no authority over how Pennsylvania or other states exercise their own constitutional rights, and that the relief they seek would undermine the sovereignty of those states and likely “create equal or greater harms” than the issue they seek to remedy. However, he did urge the Supreme Court to clarify the Electors Clause of the Constitution to improve confidence in future elections.

Texas lawsuit was denied by Supreme Court

On Friday, the Texas lawsuit was “denied for lack of standing” by the Supreme Court. Today, the electoral college votes will be formally cast, with 306 expected for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

It was reasonable to seek solutions to overcome health concerns and logistical challenges related to the COVID-19 pandemic, which lead to unprecedented numbers of mail-in ballots. It is also reasonable to ensure elections are fair and run in accordance with the Constitution and state law.

However, it is unreasonable and even seditious to seek relief in the form of discarding 20 million votes for the purpose of electing one party’s candidate despite losing both the popular vote and the electoral votes. We must not forget the names of our elected Representatives who fought against democracy in favor of invalidating millions of votes for partisan ends.

Other Ohio Republicans stood against effort to overturn election

  • Governor Mike DeWine told CNN on 11/12, “I think that we need to consider the former vice president as the President-elect. Joe Biden is the President-elect.”
  • Senator Rob Portman issued a statement on 12/12 saying, “The orderly transfer of power is a hallmark of our democracy, and although I supported President Trump, the Electoral College vote today makes clear that Joe Biden is now President-Elect.” Prior to that, on 11/10 he stated, “Vice President Biden is leading in enough states to win the presidency”, and on 11/23 acknowledged that Biden becoming president was a “likely event” and that “there is no evidence as of now of any widespread fraud or irregularities that would change the result in any state.”
  • US Representatives Steve Stivers and Anthony Gonzalez, as well as Secretary of State Frank LaRose and Attorney General Dave Yost have also acknowledged Biden’s victory. Gonzalez voted to impeach President Trump for his efforts to overturn the election which resulted in the violent breach of the Capitol on 1/6/21.

Kudos to these Ohio Republican officials for having the courage to stand up for the election results, thereby the institution of democracy itself, in the face of immense pressure from the former President and other members of their party to discredit and discard election results.

Electoral college objections

Rep. Bob Gibbs

1/7 Update: In a final effort to overturn the 2020 presidential election results, 5 US Representatives from Ohio voted to object to counting certified Electoral College votes for Biden and Harris. 3 had already supported these efforts via the Texas Lawsuit, while the addition of Chabot and Davidson brings the total number of Ohio Reps undermining democracy up to 49.

  • Steve Chabot (District 1)
  • Jim Jordan (District 4)
  • Bill Johnson (District 6)
  • Bob Gibbs (District 7)
  • Warren Davidson (District 8)

Only 5 of Ohio’s 12 Republican Congressmen respected the election results without joining the Texas lawsuit nor objecting on January 6th.

A year later: continued efforts to overturn the election

Rep. Jennifer Gross

10/15/21 Update: Almost a year after the 2020 election, State Rep. Jennifer Gross (District 52) joined a memorandum by Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers falsely declaring a “corrupted 2020 election”, calling for audits in every state and an unconstitutional “decertification” of the President. The letter asserts that Arizona had “an inaccurate election” even though a partisan audit there found that Biden won as originally reported, showing that Gross doesn’t honor the election nor the audits.

Gross re-upped her support for decertification as recently as January 2022.

This brings the number of elected Ohio lawmakers undermining the 2020 election to at least 50. Senate candidates Josh Mandel and Jane Timken also support “decertification”.


House Republicans Support Trump-Backed Lawsuit To Overturn Election

State lawmaker urges Ohio attorney general to join Texas’ lawsuit challenging presidential election results

Ohio Attorney General Dave Yost criticizes Texas lawsuit attempting to stop electors from voting

Supreme Court Allows Longer Deadlines for Absentee Ballots in Pennsylvania and North Carolina

Supreme Court rejects Republican attack on Biden victory


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